Data providers enable data and business teams to drive deeper insights and new innovations for their organizations by offering third-party data products. SafeGraph is a global geospatial data company that focuses on making data about the physical world accessible to all. SafeGraph’s Places data set includes a wide breadth of information about global places such as points of interest, building footprints, spatial hierarchy metadata, spending patterns, and more. Organizations use SafeGraph data sets to build products, visualizations, and analyses for use cases such as mapping, site selection, campaign planning, and more. Snowflake users can procure SafeGraph’s live, ready-to-query data sets on Snowflake Marketplace.
In the past, when data teams evaluated SafeGraph’s data products they would typically share sample files via cloud buckets. This often resulted in a long evaluation process as it not only required efforts on the provider side but also customer resources. Customers had to trigger an internal project with data engineering teams to ETL the data into their data warehouse so it could be evaluated alongside first-party data. If the project wasn’t top priority for the customer’s company, the data evaluation would be delayed, which ultimately lengthened the sales cycle for SafeGraph and held up the customer’s ability to start using the data.
Now, SafeGraph has standardized its evaluations on Snowflake. Each prospect gets custom data cuts shared via Snowflake either to their existing account, or a free trial account if they are not yet a Snowflake customer.
“We’ve standardized our evaluations on Snowflake Marketplace because we have found that it accelerates time to value for our customers by at least 60% and leads to shortened sales cycles for SafeGraph. A win-win for our customers and us,” explains Niki Kazahaya, Solution Engineer at SafeGraph.
Data teams evaluating SafeGraph’s products now have close to instant access to data samples, so a process that used to take one to three months is now taken care of within hours—and without requiring any of the customer’s data engineering resources. The provided data is automatically updated, making evaluations much more effective for customers. SafeGraph also helps its customers draw value from the shared data sets more quickly by including descriptions, query usage examples, and data dictionaries. Post evaluation, the customer gets access to the full data set, again without any additional heavy lifting. This means significantly shortened sales cycles for SafeGraph and a much faster way to validate and realize value for SafeGraph customers.
SafeGraph hasn’t just been positively impacted by how quickly it can provide customers with live data; the company has also seen its sales pipeline grow by listing data products on Snowflake Marketplace. Users that interact with SafeGraph’s free data samples are added to SafeGraph’s marketing nurture stream, while users that contact the provider for personalized data offers are routed directly to the sales team. By enabling SafeGraph to expand its reach into new accounts and new markets, Snowflake Marketplace has turned into one of SafeGraph’s top lead generation channels.
Data providers need to ensure that their data products are updated in their customers’ clouds and regions as soon as the source data sets are refreshed. Previously, SafeGraph’s engineers devoted a large amount of their time to updating data sets in customers’ regions and clouds. SafeGraph’s high cadence of monthly deliveries made this process an even heavier lift for the team.
By providing data sets on Snowflake, SafeGraph was able to automate the fulfillment of data across regions and clouds. Engineering teams no longer have to maintain copies and replicate data across various regions and clouds. All updates are made to a single, central repository of SafeGraph data products to which its customers have live, secure access—no matter their account’s cloud or region. The automated fulfillment process saves SafeGraph engineering teams a full day per week, and their customers can rest easy knowing they always have the most current version of SafeGraph data sets.
When data is shared via traditional data transfer methods such as cloud buckets, FTP, or API, there’s no visibility into what the recipient party is doing with the data after it’s delivered. With Snowflake, SafeGraph can dive into usage analytics about its listings in Snowflake Marketplace, allowing the company to better understand its customers and ensure that the receiving party is actually drawing value from SafeGraph products.
“Usage insights are a very handy proxy for whether someone has happily integrated our data or whether they might need additional support,” says SafeGraph’s Kazahaya. Furthermore, usage insights into which objects within a data product are most used by specific customers, for example, helps SafeGraph highlight complementary products and opens upsell opportunities.
By selling their data products via Snowflake Marketplace, companies like SafeGraph ensure their customers get access to live, automatically updated data products fast—no matter their cloud or region. Sales teams see shortened sales cycles, increased pipeline growth, and expansion to new markets by selling in the Data Cloud. Finally, internal teams get deeper insights into how to best support customers, and engineering teams save time spent on data distribution and fulfillment, all of which contribute to better customer experiences.
Join other data sellers and set up your company for success. Become a Snowflake Marketplace Partner and list your products on Snowflake Marketplace.
The post SafeGraph Accelerates Customer Time to Value by 60% with Snowflake Marketplace appeared first on Snowflake.
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